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There are many people leading different areas of church life. Here are some of those who are part of our staff leadership team...

Paul Mann

Paul Mann

Paul grew up in Hastings and has been part of our church for many years. Paul leads King’s Church as a whole, bringing experience in commerce from his previous career in the building industry. Paul is married to Chloe and they have four sons, though only one of them has followed in Paul’s footsteps by supporting Gillingham FC!

Steve Young

Steve Young

Steve is an elder at King’s Church and leads our Bexhill venue. When he is not busy with church work he enjoys time with his family, cycling and driving his classic car.

Sam Akrasi

Sam Akrasi

Sam is originally from Ghana and moved to Hastings in summer 2016. A former teacher and headmaster, Sam now works for King’s a few days a week as well as with a charity supporting adults with disabilities. Sam is passionate about the local church, loves telling others about Jesus and is still amazed at God’s wonderful grace. Sam and his wife Clare have two sons. Sam joined the eldership team in 2018.

Paul Edworthy

Paul Edworthy

Paul joined the team in September 2016 as one of the pastors for King’s Hastings. Paul oversees pastoral and mid-week life across King’s Church. He loves taking part in triathlons and travelling. Paul is married with two children.

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson

Richard Wilson has been an elder here at King’s since September 2023, he and his wife Anna head up our social action ministries such as Baby Basics, Reflect & TLG.

Hannah Beaney

Hannah Beaney

Hannah oversees operations at both King’s Church and the Hastings Centre. She previously worked in a large, Central St Leonards primary school for 20 years – both as a class teacher and a senior leader. Hannah is married to Nic and they have three boys. One of Hannah’s passions is to see people develop their God-given potential... Her other one is hoovering!

Clare Burford

Clare Burford

Clare overseas all things financial for all of the King’s Church venues. She has been working in finance for over 17 years, during which time she has been involved in and managed the finances for various commercial companies. Clare is mum to two wonderful children and if she ever had any free time she would love to go horse riding.

Dan Glover

Dan Glover

Dan is our under 18s pastor, looking after our children and families and youth ministries across all our venues, running events such as Friday Night Live, Totz, NRG & N:Gage. He has a degree in Theatre Performance from Chichester University and is an avid fan of WWE and the 90s pop sensation Steps!

Caner Mutu

Caner Mutu

As well as being one of our pastors, Caner leads the worship life here at King’s – including Sundays, prayer meetings, musical development and song writing. Caner has grown up in King’s and has been involved with music from a young age. He is married to Joanna and they have 2 children. Caner’s creativity can also be seen in film making where he runs his own part-time business. Caner and his wife Joanna oversee our mid-week groups in the Hastings venue.

Joanna Mutu

Joanna Mutu

Joanna is a pastor within the Hastings venue looking after our mid-week Connect Groups and 2:42 Groups, alongside her husband Caner. She is actively part of our worship and creative teams. She has a degree in dance from Chichester University.

Anita Rose

Anita Rose

Dr Anita Rose is our safeguarding lead working along our safeguarding team and administrators. By trade, Anita is a clinical neuropsychologist and has worked on safeguarding teams for different organisations. Her husband Malcolm is also one of our safeguarding administrators.

Jon Wales

Jon Wales

Jon grew up in Central St Leonards. He and his wife Al have lots of experience working in local communities for various churches and charities. Jon is the manager of Hastings Foodbank which operates from Hope at King’s in the Hastings Centre. He is passionate about showing Jesus’ love to people through acts of kindness. Jon and Al head up a team looking to launch a King’s Church meeting venue in Central St Leonards.

In addition to the staff leadership team, we have many other leaders in the church, including Connect Group hosts, Trustees, our Child Protection & Safeguarding Team, and various ministry leaders.


As a registered charity, we have a board of trustees overseeing the financial and legal responsibilities of the church. Our current trustees are: Martin Clarke (chair), Ollie Dyer, Paul Rackstraw, Liz Nevey and Natalie Williams.

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