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Marriage Course

The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.

Marriage Course

The Marriage Course is for couples looking for practical support to strengthen their relationship. The course is designed to help couples build strong foundations, learn to communicate more effectively and resolve differences well.

Who is it for?

The Marriage Course is for couples who are seeking to strengthen their relationship. Some couples do the course to intentionally invest in their relationship, others are looking to address more specific challenges. Either way, the course offers essential tools and practical ideas to help you build a relationship that lasts a lifetime.

The Marriage Course is based on Christian principles but designed for all couples with or without a church background.

What can we expect?

On The Marriage Course you are seated at your own table for two where you will be served a meal. After this will be a practical talk and a time for private discussion between you and your partner.

You never share anything about your relationship with anyone other than your partner. Background music ensures that you can chat in complete privacy.

The evening starts at 6.45pm for drinks, dinner at 7.00pm, then the talks start at 7.30pm. During the talks there are breaks, refreshments and each session finishes around 9.30pm.

Over seven sessions you will explore:

  • Building Strong Foundations - Learn to understand each other’s needs
  • The Art of Communication - How to listen and communicate effectively
  • Resolving Conflict - Develop methods to resolve conflict and disagreements
  • The Power of Forgiveness - Learn how to apologise and forgive as a couple
  • The Impact of Family, Past and Present - Explore the impact of your family on your relationship
  • Good Sex - Find ways to develop greater sexual intimac
  • Love in Action - Learn your partner’s ‘love language’ and how to love them well

When and Cost

We run courses at various times during the year. Contact us for more information and the dates details of the next course.

There is a small cost per couple for the whole seven weeks to cover the food and course material.

Contact us for further information and details of our next course.


Two Marriage Course Myths
8 May 2018

1 May 2016

Marriage: Part 2
27 January 2019

Marriage: The What and the Why
20 January 2019
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